
The States operation retrieves the state or countries for a region. If no input is specified, the the default is to retrieve all countries and states in North America. If the region is NA(North America), the state abbreviation and the full state name are filled in, as well as the country abbreviation and the full country name. Outside of NA, only the country abbreviation and the full country name are filled in.

Parameter Description Data Type Value/Example
Region A string representing the region for which the list of states or countries to be retrieved. NA (North America) is default. Enum NA(Default)
SA(South America)
ME(Middle East)
abbrFormat The abbreviation format for countries. Enum Choices are FIPS, ISO2, ISO3, GENC2 and GENC3. The default is FIPS.
countryOnly To specify if the search is for country only or for both country and states. Boolean The default is false, which retrieves both countries and states.

State Request:




State Response

Data Element Description Data Type Value/Example
StateAbbr State abbreviation which is 2 characters in length string AL
StateName The name of the state string Alabama
CountryAbbr Country abbreviation which is 2 characters in length string US
CountryName The name of the country string United States