Add Geofence Set

The POST operation allows you to create a geofence set. The return from this operation is the ID of your newly created Geofence Set.


POST{setName}&tag={setTag}&activeState={activeState} &visible={visible}&borderColor={borderColor}&borderAlpha={borderAlpha}&borderWidth={borderWidth}&fillColor={fillColor}&fillAlpha={fillAlpha}&startTime={startTime}&endTime={endTime}

URL Parameters

Required parameters are highlighted in yellow.

Data Element Description Data Type Value/Example Note
Name The name of the geofence set string
Tag The tag can be used to group sets of geofences together string
ActiveState Indicates whether or not CoPilot should honor geofences in this set integer 0 = Off 1 = Warn 2 = Avoid
Visible Whether or not the geofences contained within this set are visible boolean true/false
BorderColor The RGB color of the geofences' borders integer 0 - 16777215
BorderAlpha The alpha transparency of the geofences' borders integer 0 - 255
BorderWidth The pixel width of the geofences' borders integer 0 - 10
FillColor The RGB fill color of the geofences integer 0 - 16777215
FillAlpha The alpha transparency of the geofences' fill integer 0 - 255
StartTime The date/time when the geofences contained within this set become active. The time should be formatted according to the ISO 8601 Standard (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ) date/time
EndTime The date/time when the geofences contained within this set will expire. The time should be formatted according to the ISO 8601 Standard (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ) date/time




Data Element Description Data Type Value/Example Note
Type Indicates whether the error is an exception or warning Enum Warning
Code Error code Enum Please refer to Appendix for complete list
LegacyErrorCode The legacy error code with is an integer valued code that would have been returned in PCMiler Web Services v25 and earlier. int
Description The detailed error description. String