The ProcessRadiusSearch operation returns a collection of POIs within a certain radius distance.
Schema<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <SOAP-ENV:Header> <m:AuthHeader xmlns:m=""> <m:Authorization>String</m:Authorization> <m:Date>String</m:Date> </m:AuthHeader> </SOAP-ENV:Header> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <m:ProcessRadiusSearch xmlns:m=""> <m:Request> <m:Header> <m:DataVersion>String</m:DataVersion> <m:RequestType>String</m:RequestType> </m:Header> <m:Body> <m:CenterPoint> <m:Address> <m:StreetAddress>String</m:StreetAddress> <m:City>String</m:City> <m:State>String</m:State> <m:Zip>String</m:Zip> <m:County>String</m:County> <m:Country>String</m:Country> <m:SPLC>String</m:SPLC> <m:CountryPostalFilter>US</m:CountryPostalFilter> <m:AbbreviationFormat>FIPS</m:AbbreviationFormat> </m:Address> <m:Coords> <m:Lat>String</m:Lat> <m:Lon>String</m:Lon> </m:Coords> <m:Region>Unknown</m:Region> <m:Label>String</m:Label> <m:PlaceName>String</m:PlaceName> </m:CenterPoint> <m:Radius> <m:Value>3.14159265358979E0</m:Value> <m:DistanceUnits>Miles</m:DistanceUnits> </m:Radius> <m:POICategories>All</m:POICategories> <m:NameFilter>String</m:NameFilter> </m:Body> </m:Request> </m:ProcessRadiusSearch> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
Represents the request of a RadiusSearchRequest allowing the user to set the center point, radius and categories of POIs to search for.
Element | Definition | Required |
CenterPoint |
A Location system object. Gets or sets the center point of the radius search which can be either an address or a set of coordinates.
Usage: Location searchCenter = new Locations(); searchCenter.Address = new Address() { Zip = "08540" }; searchCenter.Region = DataRegion.NA; searchCenter.RegionSpecified = true; req.Body.CenterPoint = searchCenter; |
Y |
NameFilter |
A string value. Gets or sets the name filter by which to refine results to those that contain the string.
Usage:req.Body.NameFilter = "ALK"; |
N |
POICategory |
An enumeration of POIType. Gets or sets one or more POI categories to search for.
Usage:req.Body.POICategories = POIType.City; |
Y |
Radius |
A Distance system object. Gets or sets the distance and distance units for the radius search.
Usage: req.Body.Radius = new Distance(){ Value = 5, DistanceUnits = DistanceUnits.Miles, DistanceUnitsSpecified = true, ValueSpecified = true}; |
Y |
Element | Definition | Required | |||||||||
DistanceUnits |
A DistanceUnits enumeration. Gets or sets the distance units.
N | |||||||||
Value |
A double value. Gets or sets the value of the distance.
Usage: value = 10; |
Y |
Member name | Value | Description |
All |
0 | Indicates to include all POITypes as the point of interest. |
City |
1 | Indicates a city as the point of interest. |
Zip |
2 | Indicates a zip as the point of interest. |
Place |
4 | Indicates a custom place as the point of interest. |
Airport |
8 | Indicates to include airports as the point of interest. |
Automotive |
16 | Indicates to include automotive/vehicle repair facility as the point of interest. |
WeightStation |
32 | Indicates to include weight stations as the point of interest. |
Dining |
64 | Indicates to include restaurants as the point of interest. |
Education |
128 | Indicates to include schools and universities as the point of interest. |
Emergency |
256 | Indicates to include emergency and medical facilities as the point of interest. |
Government |
512 | Indicates to include government facilities as the point of interest. |
Gas |
1024 | Indicates to include gas stations as the point of interest. |
Lodging |
2048 | Indicates to include hotels and/or motels as the point of interest. |
Parks |
4096 | Indicates to include parks as the point of interest. |
Retail |
8192 | Indicates to include retail facilities as the point of interest. |
RVServices |
16384 | Indicates to include RV Services as the point of interest. |
SportsRec |
32768 | Indicates to include sports and recreation facilities as the point of interest. |
Travel |
65536 | Indicates to include travel and transportation as the point of interest. |
TruckServices |
131072 | Indicates to include truck services as the point of interest. |
Attractions |
262144 | Indicates to include attractions as the point of interest. |
OilAndGas |
524288 | Indicates to include GeoTrac Oil and Gas as the point of interest. |
AutoDealership |
1048576 | |
Bank |
2097152 | |
BridgesAndTunnels |
4194304 | |
BusTaxiLimo |
8388608 | |
CATScales |
16777216 | |
CityHall |
33554432 | |
DieselExhaustFluid |
67108864 | |
Entertainment |
134217728 | |
EventFacility |
268435456 | |
FerryTerminal |
536870912 | |
GeographicFeature |
1073741824 | |
GroceryStore |
2147483648 | |
GuestHouse |
4294967296 | |
HighwayExit |
8589934592 | |
IntermodalRampLarge |
17179869184 | |
IntermodalRampMedium |
34359738368 | |
IntermodalRampSmall |
68719476736 | |
LCVLot |
137438953472 | |
Marina |
274877906944 | |
Municipal |
549755813888 | |
HighwayIntersection |
1099511627776 | |
Other |
2199023255552 | |
Parking |
4398046511104 | |
PlaceOfWorship |
8796093022208 | |
PoliceStation |
17592186044416 | |
RailwayStation |
35184372088832 | |
RentACar |
70368744177664 | |
RestArea |
140737488355328 | |
281474976710656 | |
DistributionCenter |
562949953421312 | |
IntermodalRamp |
1125899906842624 |
RadiusSearchRequest req = new RadiusSearchRequest(); req.Header = new RequestHeader() { DataVersion = DataVersion.ToString(), RequestType = "RadiusSearch" }; req.Body = new RadiusSearchRequestBody(); // Specify the target location Location searchCenter = new Location(); searchCenter.Address = new Address() { Zip = "08540" }; searchCenter.Region = DataRegion.NA; searchCenter.RegionSpecified = true; req.Body.CenterPoint = searchCenter; // Specify the radius to search within the location int radius = 5; req.Body.Radius = new Distance(){ Value = 5, DistanceUnits = DistanceUnits.Miles, DistanceUnitsSpecified = true, ValueSpecified = true}; req.Body.POICategories = POIType.City; req.Body.POICategoriesSpecified = true; // Create the authentication and authorization header AuthHeader soapHeader = GenerateAuthHeader( APIName); // Create the service client ServiceClient service = new ServiceClient(); // Call API RadiusSearchResponse response = service.ProcessRadiusSearch(soapHeader, req);
<s:Envelope xmlns:s=""> <s:Header> <Action s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns=""></Action> <h:AuthHeader xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:h=""> <Authorization>A77097D2D202A743BB1660E15794D7CA</Authorization> <Date>Thu, 21 Aug 2014 16:23:26 GMT</Date> </h:AuthHeader> </s:Header> <s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <ProcessRadiusSearch xmlns=""> <Request> <Header> <DataVersion>current</DataVersion> <RequestType>RadiusSearch</RequestType> </Header> <Body> <CenterPoint> <Address> <StreetAddress xsi:nil="true" /> <City xsi:nil="true" /> <State xsi:nil="true" /> <Zip>08540</Zip> <County xsi:nil="true" /> <Country xsi:nil="true" /> <SPLC xsi:nil="true" /> </Address> <Coords xsi:nil="true" /> <Region>NA</Region> <Label xsi:nil="true" /> <PlaceName xsi:nil="true" /> </CenterPoint> <Radius> <Value>5</Value> <DistanceUnits>Miles</DistanceUnits> </Radius> <POICategories>City</POICategories> <NameFilter xsi:nil="true" /> </Body> </Request> </ProcessRadiusSearch> </s:Body> </s:Envelope>
The radius search will return up to 3000 POI's regardless of the miles requested. In some cases you may need to specify a smaller radius to get a complete list of matches. Also, the API uses air miles not road miles.
Represents the request body of a RadiusSearchResponse.
Element | Definition |
POISearchMatches |
A list of RadiusSearchMatch system object. Gets or sets a collection containing the resulting POI search matches that fell within the search radius. |
Represents a single radius search match result.
Element | Definition |
DistanceFromCenter |
Gets or sets the POI's distance from the center point. |
POICategory |
Gets or sets the category this POI falls into. |
POILocation |
Gets or sets the location of the POI (point of interest). |
<s:Envelope xmlns:s=""> <s:Body> <ProcessRadiusSearchResponse xmlns=""> <ProcessRadiusSearchResult xmlns:i=""> <Header> <Type>RadiusSearch</Type> <Success>true</Success> <DataVersion></DataVersion> <Errors /> </Header> <Body> <POISearchMatches> <RadiusSearchMatch> <DistanceFromCenter> <Value>0</Value> <DistanceUnits>Miles</DistanceUnits> </DistanceFromCenter> <POICategory>City</POICategory> <POILocation> <Address> <StreetAddress /> <City>Westminster Choir Clg</City> <State>NJ</State> <Zip /> <County>Mercer</County> <Country i:nil="true" /> <SPLC i:nil="true" /> <CountryPostalFilter>US</CountryPostalFilter> <AbbreviationFormat>FIPS</AbbreviationFormat> <CountryAbbreviation>US</CountryAbbreviation> </Address> <Coords> <Lat>40.348727</Lat> <Lon>-74.659049</Lon> </Coords> <Region>NA</Region> <Label /> <PlaceName /> </POILocation> </RadiusSearchMatch> <RadiusSearchMatch> <DistanceFromCenter> <Value>0.022104250579809828</Value> <DistanceUnits>Miles</DistanceUnits> </DistanceFromCenter> <POICategory>City</POICategory> <POILocation> <Address> <StreetAddress /> <City>Princeton</City> <State>NJ</State> <Zip /> <County>Mercer</County> <Country i:nil="true" /> <SPLC i:nil="true" /> <CountryPostalFilter>US</CountryPostalFilter> <AbbreviationFormat>FIPS</AbbreviationFormat> <CountryAbbreviation>US</CountryAbbreviation> </Address> <Coords> <Lat>40.34861</Lat> <Lon>-74.65944</Lon> </Coords> <Region>NA</Region> <Label /> <PlaceName /> </POILocation> </RadiusSearchMatch> <RadiusSearchMatch> <DistanceFromCenter> <Value>0.27920742407694965</Value> <DistanceUnits>Miles</DistanceUnits> </DistanceFromCenter> <POICategory>City</POICategory> <POILocation> <Address> <StreetAddress /> <City>Princeton Township</City> <State>NJ</State> <Zip /> <County>Mercer</County> <Country i:nil="true" /> <SPLC i:nil="true" /> <CountryPostalFilter>US</CountryPostalFilter> <AbbreviationFormat>FIPS</AbbreviationFormat> <CountryAbbreviation>US</CountryAbbreviation> </Address> <Coords> <Lat>40.348202</Lat> <Lon>-74.66431</Lon> </Coords> <Region>NA</Region> <Label /> <PlaceName /> </POILocation> </RadiusSearchMatch> <RadiusSearchMatch> <DistanceFromCenter> <Value>0.40228780370071504</Value> <DistanceUnits>Miles</DistanceUnits> </DistanceFromCenter> <POICategory>City</POICategory> <POILocation> <Address> <StreetAddress /> <City>Princeton Theo Smnry</City> <State>NJ</State> <Zip /> <County>Mercer</County> <Country i:nil="true" /> <SPLC i:nil="true" /> <CountryPostalFilter>US</CountryPostalFilter> <AbbreviationFormat>FIPS</AbbreviationFormat> <CountryAbbreviation>US</CountryAbbreviation> </Address> <Coords> <Lat>40.345558</Lat> <Lon>-74.665464</Lon> </Coords> <Region>NA</Region> <Label /> <PlaceName /> </POILocation> </RadiusSearchMatch> </POISearchMatches> </Body> </ProcessRadiusSearchResult> </ProcessRadiusSearchResponse> </s:Body> </s:Envelope>