Process Radius Search

The ProcessRadiusSearch operation returns a collection of POIs within a certain radius distance.

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
		<m:AuthHeader xmlns:m="">
		<m:ProcessRadiusSearch xmlns:m="">

ProcessRadiusSearch Request

Request Body Members

Represents the request of a RadiusSearchRequest allowing the user to set the center point, radius and categories of POIs to search for.

Element Definition Required
CenterPoint A Location system object. Gets or sets the center point of the radius search which can be either an address or a set of coordinates.
Location searchCenter = new Locations();

searchCenter.Address = new Address() { Zip = "08540" };

searchCenter.Region = DataRegion.NA;

searchCenter.RegionSpecified = true;

req.Body.CenterPoint = searchCenter;

NameFilter A string value. Gets or sets the name filter by which to refine results to those that contain the string.
Usage:req.Body.NameFilter = "ALK";
POICategory An enumeration of POIType. Gets or sets one or more POI categories to search for.
Usage:req.Body.POICategories = POIType.City;
Radius A Distance system object. Gets or sets the distance and distance units for the radius search.
req.Body.Radius = new Distance(){ Value = 5, DistanceUnits = DistanceUnits.Miles, DistanceUnitsSpecified = true, ValueSpecified = true};
Distance Members
Element Definition Required
DistanceUnits A DistanceUnits enumeration. Gets or sets the distance units.
Member name Value Description
Miles 0 Indicates miles should be used..
Kilometers 1 Indicates kilometers should be used.
Usage:DistanceUnits = DistanceUnits.Miles;
Value A double value. Gets or sets the value of the distance.
Usage: value = 10;
Member name Value Description
All 0 Indicates to include all POITypes as the point of interest.
City 1 Indicates a city as the point of interest.
Zip 2 Indicates a zip as the point of interest.
Place 4 Indicates a custom place as the point of interest.
Airport 8 Indicates to include airports as the point of interest.
Automotive 16 Indicates to include automotive/vehicle repair facility as the point of interest.
WeightStation 32 Indicates to include weight stations as the point of interest.
Dining 64 Indicates to include restaurants as the point of interest.
Education 128 Indicates to include schools and universities as the point of interest.
Emergency 256 Indicates to include emergency and medical facilities as the point of interest.
Government 512 Indicates to include government facilities as the point of interest.
Gas 1024 Indicates to include gas stations as the point of interest.
Lodging 2048 Indicates to include hotels and/or motels as the point of interest.
Parks 4096 Indicates to include parks as the point of interest.
Retail 8192 Indicates to include retail facilities as the point of interest.
RVServices 16384 Indicates to include RV Services as the point of interest.
SportsRec 32768 Indicates to include sports and recreation facilities as the point of interest.
Travel 65536 Indicates to include travel and transportation as the point of interest.
TruckServices 131072 Indicates to include truck services as the point of interest.
Attractions 262144 Indicates to include attractions as the point of interest.
OilAndGas 524288 Indicates to include GeoTrac Oil and Gas as the point of interest.
AutoDealership 1048576
Bank 2097152
BridgesAndTunnels 4194304
BusTaxiLimo 8388608
CATScales 16777216
CityHall 33554432
DieselExhaustFluid 67108864
Entertainment 134217728
EventFacility 268435456
FerryTerminal 536870912
GeographicFeature 1073741824
GroceryStore 2147483648
GuestHouse 4294967296
HighwayExit 8589934592
IntermodalRampLarge 17179869184
IntermodalRampMedium 34359738368
IntermodalRampSmall 68719476736
LCVLot 137438953472
Marina 274877906944
Municipal 549755813888
HighwayIntersection 1099511627776
Other 2199023255552
Parking 4398046511104
PlaceOfWorship 8796093022208
PoliceStation 17592186044416
RailwayStation 35184372088832
RentACar 70368744177664
RestArea 140737488355328
ATM 281474976710656
DistributionCenter 562949953421312
IntermodalRamp 1125899906842624
Calling ProcessRadiusSearch
RadiusSearchRequest req = new RadiusSearchRequest();
      req.Header = new  RequestHeader() { DataVersion = DataVersion.ToString(), RequestType = "RadiusSearch" };
      req.Body = new RadiusSearchRequestBody();

      // Specify the target location 
      Location searchCenter = new Location();
      searchCenter.Address = new Address() { Zip = "08540" };
      searchCenter.Region = DataRegion.NA;
      searchCenter.RegionSpecified = true;
      req.Body.CenterPoint = searchCenter;

      // Specify the radius to search within the location
      int radius = 5;
      req.Body.Radius = new Distance(){ Value  = 5, DistanceUnits = DistanceUnits.Miles, DistanceUnitsSpecified = true, ValueSpecified = true};
      req.Body.POICategories = POIType.City;
      req.Body.POICategoriesSpecified = true;

      // Create the authentication and authorization header
      AuthHeader soapHeader =  GenerateAuthHeader( APIName);

      // Create the service client
      ServiceClient service = new  ServiceClient();
      // Call API
      RadiusSearchResponse response = service.ProcessRadiusSearch(soapHeader, req);


<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
    <Action s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns=""></Action>
    <h:AuthHeader xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:h="">
      <Date>Thu, 21 Aug 2014 16:23:26 GMT</Date>
  <s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
      <ProcessRadiusSearch xmlns="">
              <StreetAddress xsi:nil="true" />
              <City xsi:nil="true" />
              <State xsi:nil="true" />
              <County xsi:nil="true" />
              <Country xsi:nil="true" />
              <SPLC xsi:nil="true" />
            <Coords xsi:nil="true" />
            <Label xsi:nil="true" />
            <PlaceName xsi:nil="true" />
          <NameFilter xsi:nil="true" />
    </ProcessRadiusSearch>  </s:Body>


The radius search will return up to 3000 POI's regardless of the miles requested. In some cases you may need to specify a smaller radius to get a complete list of matches. Also, the API uses air miles not road miles.

RadiusSearchResponseBody Members

Represents the request body of a RadiusSearchResponse.

Element Definition
POISearchMatches A list of RadiusSearchMatch system object. Gets or sets a collection containing the resulting POI search matches that fell within the search radius.
RadiusSearchMatch Members

Represents a single radius search match result.

Element Definition
DistanceFromCenter Gets or sets the POI's distance from the center point.
POICategory Gets or sets the category this POI falls into.
POILocation Gets or sets the location of the POI (point of interest).

Sample Response

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
    <ProcessRadiusSearchResponse xmlns="">
      <ProcessRadiusSearchResult xmlns:i="">
          <Errors />
                  <StreetAddress />
                  <City>Westminster Choir Clg</City>
                  <Zip />
                  <Country i:nil="true" />
                  <SPLC i:nil="true" />
                <Label />
                <PlaceName />
                  <StreetAddress />
                  <Zip />
                  <Country i:nil="true" />
                  <SPLC i:nil="true" />
                <Label />
                <PlaceName />
                  <StreetAddress />
                  <City>Princeton Township</City>
                  <Zip />
                  <Country i:nil="true" />
                  <SPLC i:nil="true" />
                <Label />
                <PlaceName />
                  <StreetAddress />
                  <City>Princeton Theo Smnry</City>
                  <Zip />
                  <Country i:nil="true" />
                  <SPLC i:nil="true" />
                <Label />
                <PlaceName />