Get Geofence

You can retrieve all of your geofences at once or by a limited number of search parameters.


URL Parameters

Required parameters are highlighted in yellow.



Get Geofence Response


Data Element Description Data Type Value/Example Note
EndTime The date/time when the geofences contained within this set will expire date/time
Name The name of the geofence string
Radius For circular geofences, the radius in miles the geofence extends from a center point decimal
SetId The Id of the set that contains this fence integer
County The county or jurisdiction string
ShapePoints An array containing the latitude/longitude pairs that define this fence array of decimals [ [-74.12883,40.700414], [-74.029609,40.703538], [-74.059135,40.779233], [-74.12883,40.700414] ]
ShapeType The type of the geofence shape. integer 1 = circle
5 = polygon
StartTime The date/time when the geofences contained within this set become active date/time
Id The Id of this geofence integer


Data Element Description Data Type Value/Example Note
Type Indicates whether the error is an exception or warning Enum Warning
Code Error code Enum Please refer to Appendix for complete list
LegacyErrorCode The legacy error code with is an integer valued code that would have been returned in PCMiler Web Services v25 and earlier. int
Description The detailed error description. String