Get ETA Out of Route Report

The GetETAOutOfRouteReport operation returns the out of route(Oor) mileage and estimated time of arrival(ETA) given a collection of out of route locations, for a defined route.

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
		<m:AuthHeader xmlns:m="">
		<m:GetETAOutOfRouteReport xmlns:m="">

ETAOutOfRoute Request

Request Body Elements

Represents a request to perform out of route mileage and estimated time of arrival from supplied current locations for a defined route. Request body gets or sets the body of the request which contains information needed to perform the operation.

Element Definition Required
CurrentLocations A list <> of StopLocation object. Gets or sets a collection of StopLocation objects each of which represent the truck's current location.

Usage:List<StopLocation> oorStops = new List<StopLocation>();

StopLocation loc = new StopLocation()

{ Coord = new Coordinates { Lat ="40353828", Lon="-74610884" } };


CurrentLocation = oorStops.ToArray();

Destination A StopLocation object. Gets or sets the trip's destination.

Usage:StopLocation tripDest = new StopLocation() { Address = new Address() };
Origin A StopLocation object. Gets or sets the trip's origin.

Usage:StopLocation tripOrigin = new StopLocation() { Address = new Address() };
ReportingOptions A ReportOptions object. Gets or sets the reporting options used in creating the output data.

Usage:ReportOptions repOption = new ReportOptions()


EstimatedTimeOptions = timeOpts,

ExchangeRate = 1.5,

ExchangeRateSpecified = true,


RouteID A string value. Gets or sets a unique identifier for the route which will be visible in the output report generated. Inherited from Route.

Usage:RouteID = "ETA Out of Route Report Test";
RoutingOptions A RouteOptions object. Gets or sets the routing options for the route calculations.

Usage:RouteOptions tripOption = new RouteOptions()


HighwayOnly = true,

HighwayOnlySpecified = true,

VehicleType = VehicleType.LightTruck,

VehicleTypeSpecified = true,

ClassOverrides = ClassOverridesType.FiftyThreeFoot,

ClassOverridesSpecified = True,


Calling ETA OOR Report
StopLocation tripOrigin = new StopLocation() { Address = new Address() };
      StopLocation tripDest = new StopLocation() { Address = new Address() };
      tripOrigin.Address.City = "Princeton";
      tripOrigin.Address.Zip = "08540";
      tripOrigin.Region = DataRegion.NA;
      tripOrigin.RegionSpecified = true;

      tripDest.Address.City = "Monmouth Junction";
      tripDest.Address.Zip = "08852";
      tripDest.Region = DataRegion.NA;
      tripDest.RegionSpecified = true;

      Coordinates coords = new Coordinates()
          Lat = "40353828",
          Lon = "-74610884"
      StopLocation[] loc = new StopLocation[2] ;
      loc[0] = new StopLocation() { Coords = new Coordinates() { Lat = "40353828", Lon = "74610884" } };
      loc[1] = new StopLocation() {Address = new Address() {Zip = "19123"}, Region = DataRegion.NA, RegionSpecified = true};

      // Set route options
      RouteOptions tripOption = new RouteOptions();
      tripOption.HighwayOnly = true;
      tripOption.HighwayOnlySpecified = true;
      tripOption.VehicleType = VehicleType.LightTruck;
      tripOption.VehicleTypeSpecified = true;
      tripOption.ClassOverrides = ClassOverrideType.FiftyThreeFoot;                     

      ReportOptions repOption = new ReportOptions()
          EstimatedTimeOptions = timeOpts,
          ExchangeRate = 1.5,
          ExchangeRateSpecified = true,
          FuelUnits = VolumeUnits.Gallons,
          FuelUnitsSpecified = true,
          IncludeFerryDistance = true,
          IncludeFerryDistanceSpecified = true,
          Language = LanguageType.DE,
          LanguageSpecified = true,
          RouteCosts =routeCosts,
          TimeCosts = timeCosts,
          TollCurrency = Currency.US,
          TollCurrencySpecified = true,
          TollDiscount = "All",
          UseCustomRoadSpeeds = false,
          UseCustomRoadSpeedsSpecified =true,
          UseTollData = true,
          UseTollDataSpecified = true,

      // Create the request
      ETAOutOfRouteRequestBody body = new ETAOutOfRouteRequestBody();
      body.RouteID = "ETA Out of Route Report Test";
      body.Origin = tripOrigin;
      body.Destination = tripDest;                      
      body.CurrentLocations = loc;
      body.ReportingOptions = repOption;
      body.RoutingOptions = tripOption;

      ETAOutOfRouteRequest request = new ETAOutOfRouteRequest()
          Header = new RequestHeader() { DataVersion =  DataVersion.ToString(), RequestType = "GetETAOutOfRouteReport" },
          Body = body
      // Create the authentication and authorization header
      AuthHeader soapHeader =  GenerateAuthHeader(APIName);
      // Create the service client
      ServiceClient service = new  ServiceClient();

      // Call API
      ReportResponse response = service.GetETAOutOfRouteReport(soapHeader, request);


<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
   <h:AuthHeader xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:h="">
      <Date>Wed, 10 Sep 2014 19:35:41 GMT</Date>
  <s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <GetETAOutOfRouteReport xmlns="">
          <RouteID>ETA Out of Route Report Test</RouteID>
              <City>Monmouth Junction</City>
            <TruckCfg xsi:nil="true" />


Represents an ETA Out of Route report which presents information related to out of route stops.

ETAOutOfRouteReport Response Body Members.
Element Definition
Destination A GeocodeOutputLocation object. Gets or sets the trip's destination.
Origin A GeocodeOutputLocation object. Gets or sets the trip's origin.
ReportLines A list of <OutOfRouteReportLine> objects. Gets or sets the report lines for the report.
Destination Gets or sets the unique route identifier that was supplied during the request.(Inherited from Report)
OutOfRouteReportLine Members.
Element Definition
CurrentLocation A GeocodeOutputLocation object. Gets or sets the geocoded output location containing the address information of the vehicle's current position.
LCostMile A string value. Gets or sets the leg cost per mile.
LHours A string value. Gets or sets the leg hours.
LMiles A string value. Gets or sets the leg miles.
LTolls A string value. Gets or sets the leg tolls.
OORMILE A string value. Gets or sets the estimated out-of-route miles.
TCostMile A string value. Gets or sets the total cost per mile.
THours A string value. Gets or sets the total hours.
TMiles A string value. Gets or sets the total miles.
TTolls A string value. Gets or sets the total tolls.

Sample Response
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
  <s:Header />
    <GetETAOutOfRouteReportResponse xmlns="">
      <GetETAOutOfRouteReportResult xmlns:i="">
          <Errors />
            <Report i:type="ETAOutOfRouteReport">
              <RouteID>ETA Out of Route Report Test</RouteID>
                  <StreetAddress />
                  <Country i:nil="true" />
                  <SPLC i:nil="true" />
                <Label />
                <PlaceName />
                <Errors />
                  <StreetAddress />
                  <City>Monmouth Junction</City>
                  <Country i:nil="true" />
                  <SPLC i:nil="true" />
                <Label />
                <PlaceName />
                <Errors />
                      <StreetAddress>Brunswick Pike</StreetAddress>
                      <Country i:nil="true" />
                      <SPLC i:nil="true" />
                    <Label />
                    <PlaceName />
                    <Errors />
                      <StreetAddress />
                      <Country i:nil="true" />
                      <SPLC i:nil="true" />
                    <Label />
                    <PlaceName />
                    <Errors />