The ProcessMap operation allows the user to request a map. Depending on the input parameter, different map images will be returned. This method allows a user to request a map, or a map with visual representation of a route between points/locations.
Schema<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:m0=""> <SOAP-ENV:Header> <m:AuthHeader xmlns:m=""> <m:Authorization>String</m:Authorization> <m:Date>String</m:Date> </m:AuthHeader> </SOAP-ENV:Header> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <m:ProcessMap xmlns:m=""> <m:Request> <m:Header> <m:DataVersion>String</m:DataVersion> <m:RequestType>String</m:RequestType> </m:Header> <m:Body> <m:Map> <m:Viewport> <m:Center> <m:Lat>String</m:Lat> <m:Lon>String</m:Lon> </m:Center> <m:ScreenCenter> <m:X>0</m:X> <m:Y>0</m:Y> </m:ScreenCenter> <m:ZoomRadius>3.14159265358979E0</m:ZoomRadius> <m:CornerA> <m:Lat>String</m:Lat> <m:Lon>String</m:Lon> </m:CornerA> <m:CornerB> <m:Lat>String</m:Lat> <m:Lon>String</m:Lon> </m:CornerB> <m:Region>NA</m:Region> </m:Viewport> <m:Projection>Default</m:Projection> <m:Style>Default</m:Style> <m:ImageOption>Both</m:ImageOption> <m:Width>0</m:Width> <m:Height>0</m:Height> <m:Drawers> <m:DrawerType>Airports</m:DrawerType> </m:Drawers> <m:LegendDrawer> <m:Legend> <m:Type>ScaleOfMiles</m:Type> <m:DrawOnMap>true</m:DrawOnMap> </m:Legend> </m:LegendDrawer> <m:GeometryDrawer> <m:Geometry> <m:Color> <m:Red>255</m:Red> <m:Green>255</m:Green> <m:Blue>255</m:Blue> </m:Color> </m:Geometry> </m:GeometryDrawer> <m:PinDrawer> <m:PointGroupDensity>Average</m:PointGroupDensity> <m:PointSpreadInGroup>Average</m:PointSpreadInGroup> <m:DrawOnMap>true</m:DrawOnMap> <m:Pins> <m:Pin> <m:ID>0</m:ID> <m:Point> <m:Lat>String</m:Lat> <m:Lon>String</m:Lon> </m:Point> <m:Image>String</m:Image> <m:Category>String</m:Category> <m:Label>String</m:Label> </m:Pin> </m:Pins> </m:PinDrawer> <m:PinCategories> <m:PinCategory> <m:ImageName>String</m:ImageName> <m:ImageNameForIndividual>String</m:ImageNameForIndividual> <m:Name>String</m:Name> <m:PinType>PDW_BMP</m:PinType> <m:Style> <m:Font> <m:Color> <m:Red>255</m:Red> <m:Green>255</m:Green> <m:Blue>255</m:Blue> </m:Color> <m:Height>255</m:Height> <m:Weight>255</m:Weight> </m:Font> <m:Pen> <m:Color> <m:Red>255</m:Red> <m:Green>255</m:Green> <m:Blue>255</m:Blue> </m:Color> <m:Widths>255</m:Widths> <m:Widths1>255</m:Widths1> <m:Widths2>255</m:Widths2> <m:Widths3>255</m:Widths3> </m:Pen> <m:Brush> <m:Color> <m:Red>255</m:Red> <m:Green>255</m:Green> <m:Blue>255</m:Blue> </m:Color> <m:Opacity>65535</m:Opacity> </m:Brush> <m:ImageShadow> <m:Color> <m:Red>255</m:Red> <m:Green>255</m:Green> <m:Blue>255</m:Blue> </m:Color> <m:Opacity>255</m:Opacity> <m:OffsetX>127</m:OffsetX> <m:OffsetY>127</m:OffsetY> </m:ImageShadow> <m:IndividualImageName>String</m:IndividualImageName> <m:GroupImageName>String</m:GroupImageName> </m:Style> <m:ZOrder>0</m:ZOrder> </m:PinCategory> </m:PinCategories> <m:TrafficDrawer> <m:Type>Congestion</m:Type> <m:TimeType>Actual</m:TimeType> <m:DateAndTime> <m:CalendarDate>String</m:CalendarDate> <m:DayOfWeek>Sunday</m:DayOfWeek> <m:TimeOfDay>String</m:TimeOfDay> <m:TimeZone>Local</m:TimeZone> </m:DateAndTime> </m:TrafficDrawer> <m:MapLayering>MapAndPointsOneLayer</m:MapLayering> </m:Map> <m:Routes> <m:MapRoute> <m:RouteId>String</m:RouteId> <m:Stops> <m:StopLocation> <m:Address> <m:StreetAddress>String</m:StreetAddress> <m:City>String</m:City> <m:State>String</m:State> <m:Zip>String</m:Zip> <m:County>String</m:County> <m:Country>String</m:Country> <m:SPLC>String</m:SPLC> <m:CountryPostalFilter>US</m:CountryPostalFilter> <m:AbbreviationFormat>FIPS</m:AbbreviationFormat> </m:Address> <m:Coords> <m:Lat>String</m:Lat> <m:Lon>String</m:Lon> </m:Coords> <m:Region>Unknown</m:Region> <m:Label>String</m:Label> <m:PlaceName>String</m:PlaceName> <m:Costs> <m:CostOfStop>3.14159265358979E0</m:CostOfStop> <m:HoursPerStop>3.14159265358979E0</m:HoursPerStop> <m:Loaded>true</m:Loaded> <m:OnDuty>true</m:OnDuty> <m:UseOrigin>true</m:UseOrigin> </m:Costs> <m:IsViaPoint>true</m:IsViaPoint> </m:StopLocation> </m:Stops> <m:Options> <m:BordersOpen>true</m:BordersOpen> <m:ClassOverrides>None</m:ClassOverrides> <m:DistanceUnits>Miles</m:DistanceUnits> <m:FuelRoute>true</m:FuelRoute> <m:HazMatType>None</m:HazMatType> <m:HighwayOnly>true</m:HighwayOnly> <m:HubRouting>true</m:HubRouting> <m:OverrideRestrict>true</m:OverrideRestrict> <m:RouteOptimization>None</m:RouteOptimization> <m:RoutingType>Practical</m:RoutingType> <m:TollDiscourage>true</m:TollDiscourage> <m:TruckCfg> <m:Axles>0</m:Axles> <m:Height>String</m:Height> <m:LCV>true</m:LCV> <m:Length>String</m:Length> <m:Units>English</m:Units> <m:Weight>String</m:Weight> <m:Width>String</m:Width> </m:TruckCfg> <m:UseAvoidsAndFavors>true</m:UseAvoidsAndFavors> <m:VehicleType>Truck</m:VehicleType> </m:Options> <m:FuelOptions> <m:UserID>String</m:UserID> <m:Password>String</m:Password> <m:Account>String</m:Account> <m:FuelCap>3.14159265358979E0</m:FuelCap> <m:Level>3.14159265358979E0</m:Level> <m:MPG>3.14159265358979E0</m:MPG> </m:FuelOptions> <m:AFOptions> <m:AFSetIDs> <m0:int>0</m0:int> </m:AFSetIDs> <m:APIKey>String</m:APIKey> <m:Tags> <m0:string>String</m0:string> </m:Tags> </m:AFOptions> <m:DrawLeastCost>true</m:DrawLeastCost> <m:RouteLegOptions> <m:LineOptions> <m:RouteLineOptions> <m:Color> <m:Red>255</m:Red> <m:Green>255</m:Green> <m:Blue>255</m:Blue> </m:Color> <m:Width>0</m:Width> </m:RouteLineOptions> </m:LineOptions> <m:TextOptions> <m:RouteLabelOptions> <m:Color> <m:Red>255</m:Red> <m:Green>255</m:Green> <m:Blue>255</m:Blue> </m:Color> <m:FontSize>0</m:FontSize> </m:RouteLabelOptions> </m:TextOptions> </m:RouteLegOptions> <m:StopLabelDrawer>Name</m:StopLabelDrawer> </m:MapRoute> </m:Routes> </m:Body> </m:Request> </m:ProcessMap> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
Gets or sets the request body which contains specific information associated with creating the map.
Element | Definition | Required |
Map |
A MapSettings System Object. Gets or sets the map settings which control options for drawing the map.
Usage: MapRequestBody mapArea = new MapRequestBody(); mapArea.Height = 768; mapArea.Width = 1024; mapArea.Viewport = new MapViewport() { Region = MapRegion.NA, RegionSpecified = true, ZoomRadius = 0, ZoomRadiusSpecified = true }; |
Y |
Routes |
A list<> of MapRoute object (inherited by the Routes object). Gets or sets the map settings which control options for drawing the map.
Usage: MapRoute route = new MapRoute(); route.Stops = stops; |
Y |
Represents various settings associated with requesting a map.
Element | Definition | Required | |||||||||||||||||||||
Drawer |
A list<> of DrawerType enumeration object. Gets or sets the collection of drawers which controls which feature layers are drawn on the map. See DrawerType for a list of possible drawers.
Usage: DrawerType[] dt = new DrawerType[6]; dt[0] = DrawerType.Water; dt[1] = DrawerType.Route; dt[2] = DrawerType.City; dt[3] = DrawerType.StateBoundaries; dt[4] = DrawerType.Stop; dt[5] = DrawerType.Land; mapArea.Drawers=dt; |
N | |||||||||||||||||||||
GeometryDrawer |
A list<> of Geometry object. Gets or sets the collection of geometries to draw on the map.
Usage: var geom = new RegionGeometry() { Color = new RGB(); { Red = 150, RedSpecified = true } }; var geometry = new Geometry[]{geom} mapArea.GeometryDrawer = geometry; |
N | |||||||||||||||||||||
Height |
An integer value. Gets or sets the map heigh in pixels with a max value of 2048.
Usage:mapArea.Height = 768; |
N | |||||||||||||||||||||
ImageOption |
An enumeration of MapImageOption. Gets or sets image preference for Satellite and Terrain Style. Note: Terrain style is only available for Tile request.
N | |||||||||||||||||||||
LegendDrawer |
A list<> of Legend object. Gets or sets the collection of legends to include with this map request. Legends may be drawn on the map or on a separate layer.
Usage: Legend[] legend = new Legend[1]; legend[0] = new Legend() { DrawOnMap = true, Type = LegendType.RouteLegend, TypeSpecified = true }; mapArea.LegendDrawer = legend; |
N | |||||||||||||||||||||
MapLayering |
An enumeration of MapLayering. Gets or sets a value which controls how to map and points layer are drawn.
N | |||||||||||||||||||||
PinCategories |
A list<> of PinCategory object. Gets or sets the point categories which is needed when grouping points.
Usage: PinCategory[] pc = new PinCategory[1]; pc[0] = new PinCategory() { PinType = PinType.PDW_CIRCLE, PinTypeSpecified = true }; mapArea.PinCategories = pc; |
N | |||||||||||||||||||||
PinDrawer |
A PinDrawer system object. Gets or sets the pin drawer for the map which controls what points are drawn on the map and how they are drawn.
Usage: PinDrawer pd = new PinDrawer(); { DrawOnMap = true, DrawOnMapSpecified = true, Pins = new Pin[]{ pin1, pin2 } }; mapArea.PinDrawer = pd; |
N | |||||||||||||||||||||
Projection |
An enumeration of Projection Type. Gets or sets the projection of the map.
N | |||||||||||||||||||||
Style |
An enumeration of MapStyle. Gets or sets the map style.
Usage: mapArea.Style = MapStyle.Contemporary; |
N | |||||||||||||||||||||
TrafficDrawer |
A TrafficDrawer system object. Gets or sets the pin drawer for the map.
Usage: TrafficDrawer td = new TrafficDrawer(); { DateAndTime = new DateTimeType(){ CalendarDate = "01/13/2015", }, TimeType = TrafficTime.Actual, TimeTypeSpecified=true }; mapArea.TrafficDrawer = td; |
N | |||||||||||||||||||||
Viewport |
A MapViewport system object. Gets or sets the map's view port.
Usage: mapArea.Viewport = new MapViewport() { Region = MapRegion.NA, RegionSpecified = true }; |
Y | |||||||||||||||||||||
Width |
An integer value. Gets or sets the map width in pixels with a max value of 2048.
Usage: mapArea.Width = 1024; |
N |
Represents the geographic display settings of a map as part of a MapSettings object.
Element | Definition | Required |
Center |
A coordinate system object. Gets or sets the geographic coordinates for the desired center point of the map.
Usage: Center = new Coordinates() { Lat = "40.194214", Lon = "-74.882612" }; |
N |
CornerA |
A coordinate system object. Gets or sets the geographic coordinates for the first corner of the map which should be diagonally across the second corner.
Usage: CornerA = new Coordinates() { Lat = "40.194214", Lon = "-74.882612" }; |
N |
CornerB |
A coordinate system object. Gets or sets the geographic coordinates for the second corner of the map which should be diagonally across the first corner.
Usage: CornerA = new Coordinates() { Lat = "40.194214", Lon = "-74.882612" }; |
N |
Region |
An enumeration of DataRegion. Gets or sets the Region that the location is in.
Usage:Region = DataRegion.NA; |
Y |
ScreenCenter |
A Point system object. Gets or sets the desired center of the map in pixels.
Usage: ScreenCenter = new Point() { x = 3, y = 2 }; |
N |
ZoomRadius |
A double value. Gets or sets the zoom radius(in miles) which is a numeric entry representing the radius of the circle which defines the map to be displayed.
Usage:ZoomRadius = 15; |
N |
Represents a request for a map legend including the type of legend and whether or not it should be drawn on the map or a separate layer.
Element | Definition | Required | ||||||||||||||||||
DrawOnMap |
A boolean value. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to draw legend on map or on a separate layer.
Usage: DrawOnMap = true; |
N | ||||||||||||||||||
Type |
An enumeration of LegendType. Gets or sets the type of legend. See LegendType for what legends are supported.
N |
Represents the types of layers that can be drawn on a map.
Member name | Value | Description |
Airport |
0 | Indicates a airports. |
AvoidFavor |
1 | Indicates that avoids and favors should be shown on the map. |
City |
2 | Indicates cities. |
CommerciallyProhibited |
4 | Indicates commercially prohibited roads. |
CountryBoundaries |
5 | Indicates country boundaries. |
CountyBoundaries |
6 | Indicates county boundaries. |
HazMat |
7 | Indicates hazardous material restrictions. |
Land |
8 | Indicates land masses and in general this should always be included. |
LinkLabel |
9 | Indicates road names. |
MilitarBases |
10 | Indicates military bases. |
Network |
11 | Indicates roads. |
Ortholmage |
12 | Indicates satellite imagery. |
Parks |
13 | Indicates parks. |
Place |
14 | Indicates points of interest. |
PointDrawerWeb |
15 | Indicates user supplied points. |
Railroads |
16 | Indicates rail roads. |
Route |
17 | Indicates user supplied routes. |
Shield |
18 | Indicates road shields. |
StaaDesignation |
20 | Indicates truck designations. |
StateBoundaries |
21 | Indicates state and country boundaries. |
Stop |
22 | Indicates the name of stops along a route. |
TimeZone |
23 | Indicates time zone dividers. |
TruckRestrictions |
24 | Indicates truck restrictions. |
UrbanAreas |
25 | Indicates urban areas. |
Water |
26 | Indicates Water bodies such as oceans, lakes, river, etc. |
ExitLabel |
27 | Indicates exit labels for roads. |
PolygonLabel |
28 | Indicates polygon labels. |
Represents the visual look and feel of a map.
Member name | Value | Description |
Default |
0 | Indicates the default map style. |
Classic |
1 | Indicates a classic motif style. |
Monochrome |
2 | Indicates a monochrome style. |
RoadAtlas |
3 | Indicates a style that mimics a road atlas look and feel. |
Darkness |
4 | Indicates a dark style. |
Modern |
5 | Indicates a modern style. |
Contemporary |
6 | Indicates a contemporary style. |
Night |
7 | Indicates a style optimized for night viewing. |
Satelite |
8 | Indicates the style for satellite imagery. |
Lightness |
9 | Indicates the style for lightness style. |
Smooth |
10 | Indicates the style for smooth style. |
Terrain |
11 | Indicates the style of terrain imagery. |
Represents a general geometry as used in drawing shapes on a map.
Element | Definition | Required |
Color |
A list <> of RGB object. Gets or sets the color of the geometry.
Usage: var geom = new RegionGeometry() { Color = new RGB(); { Red = 150, RedSpecified = true } }; var geometry = new Geometry[] { geom }; |
N |
Represents a color made up of its red, green and blue components.
Element | Definition | Required(at least one color below is required when using color structure.) |
Blue |
A byte value. Gets or sets the blue component of the color from 0 to 255
Usage:Blue = 200; |
N |
Green |
A byte value. Gets or sets the green component of the color from 0 to 255
Usage:Green = 150; |
N |
Red |
A byte value. Gets or sets the red component of the color from 0 to 255
Usage:Red = 220; |
N |
The TrafficDrawer structure will be used to control the road speed or congestion overlay on a map.
Element | Definition | Required | ||||||||||||
DateAndTime |
A DateTimeType system object. Gets or sets the date, time, day of week and time zone information.
Usage: DateAndTime = new DateTimeType(); |
N | ||||||||||||
TimeType |
An enumeration of TrafficTime. Gets or sets the value indicating the type of time to display for traffic. Acceptable entries are Historic, Actual or Default.
N | ||||||||||||
Type |
An enumeration of TrafficTime. Gets or sets the type of traffic overlay. Acceptable entries are RoadSpeed, Congestion or Neither.
N |
Represents a screen point's pixel coordinates.
Element | Definition | Required |
X |
An integer value. Gets or sets the horizontal pixel coordinates.
Usage:X = 3; |
Y |
Y |
An integer value. Gets or sets the vertical pixel coordinate.
Usage:Y = 2; |
Y |
Represents the point drawer for the map which contains the pins as well as properties related to grouping.
Element | Definition | Required | ||||||||||||
DrawOnMap |
A boolean value. Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the pins are to be drawn on the map.
Usage: DrawOnMap = true; |
N | ||||||||||||
Pins |
A list <> of Pin object. Gets or sets the collection of pins.
Usage:var pin1 = new Pin() { Point = new Coordinates(); { Lat = "40.388144", Lon = "-74.655566" } Image = "ltruck_g" }; Pins = new Pin[] { pin1, pin2 } |
N | ||||||||||||
PointGroupDensity |
An enumeration of PointGroupDensity. Gets or sets the point group density.
N | ||||||||||||
PointSpreadInGroup |
An enumeration of PointSpread. Gets or sets the point spread within a group.
N |
Represents the location of a point on a map and all data specific to it.
Element | Definition | Required |
Category |
A string value. Gets or sets the pin's category name.
Usage: Category = "Category1"; |
N |
ID |
An int value. Gets or sets the unique pin identifier. Use this unique identifier so that when the rendered map is created, the geographic coordinates and pixel coordinates of the pin can be traced back to the original point.
Usage: ID = 1; |
N |
Image |
A string value. Gets or sets the name of the image to be displayed at the supplied coordinates.
Usage: Image = "ltruck_bl"; Here is a list of available icons. For each icon, it supports multiple colors. For example, bldg_r for red warehouse icon, bldg_g for green, bldg_y for yellow and so on. Note PointDrawerWeb - 15 must be provided in DrawerType Enum to display icons on map.
![]() |
N |
Label |
A string value. Gets or sets the text to draw next to the point on the map.
Usage: Label = "Stop1Label"; |
N |
Point |
A coordinates system object. Gets or sets the geographic coordinates of the point.
Usage: Center = new Coordinates() { Lat = "40.388144", Lon = "-74.655566" } |
N |
Represents a category for grouping points on a map.
Element | Definition | Required | |||||||||||||||
ImageName |
A string value. A string value. Gets or sets the image names to use when more than one pin or points in the same category are clustered.
Usage: ImageName = "ClusteredImage"; |
N | |||||||||||||||
ImageNameForIndividual |
A string value. Gets or sets the name of the image to use when there is only one pin or point in a group.
Usage: ImageNameForIndividual = "soloImage"; |
N | |||||||||||||||
Name |
A string value. Gets or sets the name of the image to use when there is only one pin or point in a group. Gets or sets a unique name that can be used to identify each group.
Usage: Name = "groupName"; |
N | |||||||||||||||
PinType |
An enumeration of PinType. Gets or sets the type of pin to draw. Use PDW_BMP when using an image.
N | |||||||||||||||
Style |
An ALKStyle object. Gets or sets the style for the pin category.
Usage:Style = new ALKStyle() { Brush = new ALKBrush() { Color = new RGB() { Blue = 222 } }, Font = new ALKFont() { Color = new RGB() { Blue = 130 BlueSpecified = true }, Height = 100, HeightSpecified = true, Weight = 250 WeightSpecified = true }, } |
N | |||||||||||||||
ZOrder |
An integer value. Gets or sets the stack order of a group. When more than one pin category exists, this value controls the z-order where a higher value will appear on top of a lower value.
Usage: Zorder = 1; |
N |
Represents the style for a PinCategory.
Element | Definition | Required |
Brush |
An ALKBrush system object. Gets or sets the brush used for filling in the rectangles for the pin category when no image is used.
Usage:Brush = new ALKBrush() { Color = new RGB() { Blue = 222 }; } |
N |
Font |
An ALKFont system object. Gets or sets the font
Usage: Font = new ALKFont() { Color = new RGB() { Blue = 130 BlueSpecified = true }, Height = 100, HeightSpecified = true, Weight = 250, WeightSpecified = true }; |
N |
GroupImageName |
A string value. Gets or sets image name to use for the group icon.
Usage: GroupImageName = "groupImage"; |
N |
Brush |
An ALKShadow system object. Gets or sets the image shadow of the pin category.
Usage: ImageShadow = new ALKShadow() { Color = new RGB() { Blue = 100 BlueSpecified = true }, OffsetX = 100, OffsetXSpecified = true, OffsetY = 127, OffsetYSpecified = true Opacity = 10, OpacitySpecified = true }; |
N |
IndividualImageName |
A string value. Gets or sets name of the image name to use for the pin category icon.
Usage: IndividualImageName = "soloImage"; |
N |
Pen |
Gets or sets the pen used for drawing the borders of rectangles for the pin category when no image is used.
Usage: Pen = new ALKPen() { Color = new RGB() { Red = 100 RedSpecified = true }, Widths = 50, WidthsSpecified = true, Widths1 = 100, Widths1Specified = true, Widths2 = 150, Widths2Specified = true, Widths3 = 200, Widths3Specified = true, }; |
N |
Represents a paing brush that controls color and opacity to fill in rectangles used as part of an ALKStyle for pin categories.
Element | Definition | Required |
Color |
A list <> of RGB system object. Gets or sets the brush color.
Usage: Color = new RGB() { Red = 100, RedSpecified = true }; |
N |
Opacity |
A ushort value. Gets or sets the opacity of the brush ranging from 0(transparent) to 255(opaque).
Usage:Opacity = 10; |
N |
Represents a font and its associated properties such as height, weight and color as used within ALKStyle.
Element | Definition | Required |
Color |
A list <> of RGB system object. Gets or sets the font color.
Usage: Color = new RGB() { Red = 100, RedSpecified = true }; |
N |
Height |
A byte value. Gets or sets the font height ranging from 0 to 255.
Usage:Height = 100; |
N |
Weight |
A byte value. Gets or sets the font weight ranging from 0 to 255.
Usage:Weight = 250; |
N |
Represents an image shadow that is part of the ALKStyle for a pin category.
Element | Definition | Required |
Color |
A list <> of RGB system object. Gets or sets the font color.
Usage: Color = new RGB() { Red = 100, RedSpecified = true }; |
N |
OffsetX |
A sbyte value. Gets or sets horizontal offset of the shadow ranging from -128 to 127.
Usage:OffsetX = 100; |
N |
OffsetY |
A sbyte value. Gets or sets vertical offset of the shadow ranging from -128 to 127.
Usage:OffsetY = 127; |
N |
Opacity |
A byte value. Gets or sets the shadow opacity ranging from 0(transparent) to 255(opaque).
Usage:Opacity = 100; |
N |
// Specify an origin and destination StopLocation origin = new StopLocation(); origin.Address = new Address() { StreetAddress = "1000 Herrontown Road", City = "Princeton", State = "NJ", Zip = "08540" }; origin.Region = DataRegion.NA; origin.RegionSpecified = true; StopLocation destination = new StopLocation(); destination.Address = new Address() { Zip = "19123" }; destination.Region = DataRegion.NA; destination.RegionSpecified = true; StopLocation[] stops = new StopLocation[2]; stops[0] = origin; stops[1] = destination; // Specify map settings MapRequestBody mapArea = new MapRequestBody(); mapArea.Height = 900; mapArea.Width = 1024; mapArea.Projection = ProjectionType.Mercator; mapArea.ProjectionSpecified = true; TrafficDrawer td = new TrafficDrawer() { DateAndTime = new DateTimeType() { CalendarDate = "01/13/2015", DayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Monday, DayOfWeekSpecified = true, TimeOfDay = "07:00", TimeZone =TimeZone.Eastern, TimeZoneSpecified = true }, TimeType = TrafficTime.Actual, TimeTypeSpecified = true, Type = TrafficType.RoadSpeed, TypeSpecified = true }; mapArea.TrafficDrawer = td; Legend[] legend = new Legend[1]; legend[0] = new Legend() { DrawOnMap = true, Type = LegendType.RouteLegend, TypeSpecified = true }; mapArea.LegendDrawer = legend; mapArea.Viewport = new MapViewport() { Region = MapRegion.NA, RegionSpecified = true, ZoomRadius = 15, ZoomRadiusSpecified = true, ScreenCenter = new Point() { X = 3, Y = 2 }, Center = new Coordinates() { Lat = "40.194214", Lon = "-74.882612" } }; MapRoute route = new MapRoute(); // Set the route route.Stops = stops; // Create the authentication and authorization header AuthHeader soapHeader = this.Caller.GenerateAuthHeader(APIName); // Create the service client BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding(); binding.MaxBufferPoolSize = Int32.MaxValue; binding.MaxReceivedMessageSize = Int32.MaxValue; apRoutesRequest request = new MapRoutesRequest(); // Create the request request.Header = new RequestHeader() { DataVersion = DataVersion.ToString(), RequestType = "ProcessMap" }; request.Body = new MapRoutesRequestBody() { Map = mapArea, Routes = new MapRoute[1] { route } }; // Call API MapRoutesResponse response = service.ProcessMap(soapHeader, request);
<s:Envelope xmlns:s=""> <s:Header> <Action s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns=""></Action> <h:AuthHeader xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:h=""> <Authorization>A77097D2D202A743BB1660E15794D7CA</Authorization> <Date>Thu, 21 Aug 2014 16:23:26 GMT</Date> </h:AuthHeader> </s:Header> <s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <ProcessMap xmlns=""> <Request> <Header> <DataVersion>current</DataVersion> <RequestType>MapRoute</RequestType> </Header> <Body> <Map> <Viewport> <Center> <Lat>32.859577</Lat> <Lon>-115.606428</Lon> </Center> <ScreenCenter> <X>594</X> <Y>594</Y> </ScreenCenter> <ZoomRadius>650</ZoomRadius> <CornerA xsi:nil="true" /> <CornerB xsi:nil="true" /> <Region>NA</Region> </Viewport> <Projection>FixedLat</Projection> <Style>Default</Style> <Width>1094</Width> <Height>1094</Height> <Drawers xsi:nil="true" /> <LegendDrawer> <Legend> <Type>ScaleOfMiles</Type> <DrawOnMap>true</DrawOnMap> </Legend> </LegendDrawer> <GeometryDrawer> <Geometry xsi:type="RegionGeometry"> <Color> <Red>200</Red> </Color> <Name>NA</Name> </Geometry> <Geometry xsi:type="ShapeGeometry"> <Color> <Green>200</Green> </Color> <Type>Circle</Type> <Coordinates>34066401,-118466694</Coordinates> <Fill>false</Fill> <RadiusHorizontal>100</RadiusHorizontal> </Geometry> </GeometryDrawer> <PinDrawer> <PointGroupDensity>Average</PointGroupDensity> <PointSpreadInGroup>Average</PointSpreadInGroup> <DrawOnMap>true</DrawOnMap> <Pins> <Pin> <ID>1</ID> <Point> <Lat>34.420831</Lat> <Lon>-119.698190</Lon> </Point> <Image>ltruck_g</Image> <Category xsi:nil="true" /> <Label>point1</Label> </Pin> <Pin> <ID>0</ID> <Point> <Lat>33.448377</Lat> <Lon>-112.074037</Lon> </Point> <Image>ltruck_r</Image> <Category xsi:nil="true" /> <Label>point2</Label> </Pin> </Pins> </PinDrawer> <PinCategories xsi:nil="true" /> <TrafficDrawer xsi:nil="true" /> <MapLayering>MapAndPointsTwoLayers</MapLayering> </Map> <Routes> <MapRoute> <RouteId xsi:nil="true" /> <Stops> <StopLocation> <Address> <StreetAddress xsi:nil="true" /> <City xsi:nil="true" /> <State xsi:nil="true" /> <Zip>93101</Zip> <County xsi:nil="true" /> <Country xsi:nil="true" /> <SPLC xsi:nil="true" /> <CountryPostalFilter>US</CountryPostalFilter> </Address> <Coords xsi:nil="true" /> <Region>NA</Region> <Label>Santa Barbara</Label> <PlaceName xsi:nil="true" /> <Costs xsi:nil="true" /> </StopLocation> <StopLocation> <Address> <StreetAddress xsi:nil="true" /> <City>Las Vegas</City> <State>NV</State> <Zip xsi:nil="true" /> <County xsi:nil="true" /> <Country xsi:nil="true" /> <SPLC xsi:nil="true" /> <CountryPostalFilter>US</CountryPostalFilter> </Address> <Coords xsi:nil="true" /> <Region>NA</Region> <Label>Las Vegas</Label> <PlaceName xsi:nil="true" /> <Costs xsi:nil="true" /> </StopLocation> <StopLocation> <Address> <StreetAddress xsi:nil="true" /> <City>Phoenix</City> <State xsi:nil="true" /> <Zip>85003</Zip> <County xsi:nil="true" /> <Country xsi:nil="true" /> <SPLC xsi:nil="true" /> <CountryPostalFilter>US</CountryPostalFilter> </Address> <Coords xsi:nil="true" /> <Region>NA</Region> <Label>Phoenix</Label> <PlaceName xsi:nil="true" /> <Costs xsi:nil="true" /> </StopLocation> </Stops> <Options> <BordersOpen>false</BordersOpen> <DistanceUnits>Miles</DistanceUnits> <TruckCfg xsi:nil="true" /> </Options> <FuelOptions xsi:nil="true" /> <AFOptions xsi:nil="true" /> <RouteLegOptions xsi:nil="true" /> <StopLabelDrawer>Name</StopLabelDrawer> </MapRoute> </Routes> </Body> </Request> </ProcessMap> </s:Body> </s:Envelope>
Represents the output response to a request for generating a map.
Represents the request body of a MapRouteResponse encapsulating the rendered map and associated information.
Element | Definition |
Map |
A RenderedMaps system object. Gets or sets the rendered map. |
Represents a rendered map and all associated information.
Element | Definition |
Center |
A coordinates system object. Gets or sets the center of the map as the geographic coordinates. |
CornerA |
A coordinates system object. Gets or sets the upper left geographic coordinates of the map. |
CornerB |
A coordinates system object. Gets or sets the lower right geographic coordinates of the map. |
Groups |
A list <> of MapGroupInfo system object. Gets or sets the collection of groups that points have been clustered in. In MapSettings if no PinCategory was supplied for the PinCategories, then no group will be returned. |
Height |
A integer value. Gets or sets the image height of the map in pixels. |
Layer |
A list<> of Layer system object. Gets or sets the layers of the map where each layer contains the byte buffer or base 64 hex string of the image. |
Points |
Gets or sets the collection of points along with their associated information. |
Region |
An enumeration of MapRegion. Gets or sets the region of the map. |
Width |
An integer value. Gets or sets the image width of the map in pixels. |
Represents a single layer of a RenderedMap; this can contain the map image, the points or one of the legends.
Element | Definition |
Buffer |
A byte value. Gets or sets the byte array representing the bytes that make up the image. |
Image |
A string value. Gets or sets the base64 encoded string of the bytes that make up the image. |
Size |
An integer value. Gets or sets the size of the buffer byte array or the base64 encoded image string. |
Type |
A LayerType enumeration. Gets or sets the type of the layer, i.e. whether it is a map, legend or point layer. |
Member name | Value | Description |
BaseMap |
0 | Indicates the image layer is the base map. |
ScaleOfMiles |
1 | Indicates that the image layer is the scale of miles (or kms) legend. |
RouteLegend |
2 | Indicates that the image layer is the route legend. |
RoadLegend |
3 | Indicates that the image layer is the road class legend. |
HazMatLegend |
4 | Indicates that the image layer is the hazardous material restriction legend. |
TrafficLegend |
5 | Indicates that the image layer is the traffic congestion legend. |
PointMap |
6 | Indicates that the image layer contains only the points that would be overlaid on the base map. |
Member name | Value | Description |
NA |
0 | Indicates the North American continent. |
Bermuda |
1 | Indicates Bermuda |
Canada |
2 | Indicates Canada |
Mexico |
3 | Indicates Mexico |
PuertoRico |
4 | Indicates Puerto Rico. |
US |
5 | Indicates the United States |
EU |
6 | Indicates Europe. |
OC |
7 | Indicates Oceania. |
ME |
8 | Indicates the Middle East |
AF |
9 | Indicates Africa. |
SA |
10 | Indicates South America |
AS |
11 | Indicates Asia. |
<s:Envelope xmlns:s=""> <s:Body> <ProcessMapResponse xmlns=""> <ProcessMapResult xmlns:i=""> <Header> <Type>MapRoute</Type> <Success>true</Success> <DataVersion></DataVersion> <Errors /> </Header> <Body> <Map> <Center> <Lat>32.86137</Lat> <Lon>-115.605258</Lon> </Center> <CornerA> <Lat>44.067835</Lat> <Lon>-126.812361</Lon> </CornerA> <CornerB> <Lat>21.654906</Lat> <Lon>-104.398156</Lon> </CornerB> <Groups i:nil="true" /> <Height>1094</Height> <Layers> <Layer> <Buffer>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</Buffer> <Image i:nil="true" /> <Size>426750</Size> <Type>BaseMap</Type> </Layer> </Layers> <Points> <MapPointInfo> <ClassName>ltruck_r</ClassName> <DevX>-112074037</DevX> <DevY>33448377</DevY> <GroupID>-1</GroupID> <ID>0</ID> <Latitude>33448377</Latitude> <Longitude>-112074037</Longitude> </MapPointInfo> <MapPointInfo> <ClassName>ltruck_g</ClassName> <DevX>-119698190</DevX> <DevY>34420831</DevY> <GroupID>-1</GroupID> <ID>1</ID> <Latitude>34420831</Latitude> <Longitude>-119698190</Longitude> </MapPointInfo> </Points> <Region>NA</Region> <Width>1094</Width> </Map> </Body> </ProcessMapResult> </ProcessMapResponse> </s:Body> </s:Envelope>