Other Services

Weather Alerts

You can now use the Weather Alerts service to get weather alerts from the National Weather Service intersecting with a given bounding box, point, or route path using the ALKMaps.Services.weatherAlerts function.
Please Note: Only one geometry can be processed per request, if multiple geometries are provided you will receive an error.

Property Type Description
bounds ALKMaps.Bounds Bounding box in degrees to check for intersecting weather alerts
point Array(Number) Array containing point coordinates in the form [Longitude,Latitude] in degrees
route Array(Array(Number)) Array of arrays containing point coordinates in the form [[Longitude,Latitude],[Longitude,Latitude],..] in degrees
urgency String [All | Extreme | Severe | Moderate | Minor | Unknown]

Default: All
severity String [All | Immediate | Expected | Future | Past | Unknown]

Default: All
certainty String [All | Observed | Likely | Possible | Unlikely | Unknown]

Default: All
eventNames Array of String Such as ["Winter Storm Warning", "Flood Watch"]
Weather alert events with exact matching names will be returned.

Default: NULL (return all alerts)
startTime String Start time used for filtering out weather alerts with earlier expiration dates/times.
Use standard formats such as ISO8601("2015-08-29T13:45:30-07:00") or RFC1123("Sat, 29 Aug 2015 20:45:30 GMT").

Default: NULL
endTime String End time used for filtering out weather alerts with later effective dates/times.
Use standard formats such as ISO8601("2015-08-29T13:45:30-07:00") or RFC1123("Sat, 29 Aug 2015 20:45:30 GMT").

Default: NULL
          point: [-75.7, 40.9],
          urgency: "Severe",
          success: function(resp){},
          failure: function(resp){}  