AvoidFavor Layer

ALKMaps.Layer.AvoidFavor layer allows you to display sets of avoid/favor features.

Parameter Type/Values Description
frameAvoidFavor boolean Indicates whether or not to zoom to avoid/favor features in a set. Default false.
styleMap ALKMaps.StyleMap If styleMap is set when layer is initialized, this optional parameter will override the default style map.

var afLayer = new ALKMaps.Layer.AvoidFavor( "AF Layer", {
    frameAvoidFavor: true,
    styleMap: new ALKMaps.StyleMap({
        "default": new ALKMaps.Style(
                strokeColor: "${strokeColor}",
                strokeWidth: "${strokeWidth}",
                strokeOpacity: "0.5"
            }, {
                context: {
                    strokeColor: function (feature) {
                        // 1: avoid 2: favor
                        if (feature.attributes.afType === 1)
                            return "red"; // TODO:
                            return "green" // TODO:
                    strokeWidth: function (feature) {
                        return 10;

Get Avoid/Favor Set IDs

getAvoidFavorSets method allows you to get all avoid/favor set IDs for a given API key. It accepts success and failure callback functions.

var callback = function(response){
    for(var i = 0; i < response.length; i++){
        var afItem = response[i];
        var setId = afItem.SetID;
afLayer.getAvoidFavorSets({success: callback});

Group API for Avoid/Favor Set Display

addAvoidFavorPolygonGroup method allows you to get avoid/favor edits for a given set ID using the group web service endpoint.

Parameter Type/Values Description
afSetId number Avoid/Favor set ID. Required.
afType number 1 for displaying avoid features. 2 for displaying favor features. If it is not set, both avoid and favor will be displayed. Optional.
frameAvoidFavor boolen Zoom to newly added features in a set if its value is true. If not specified, the class level setting would be applied. Optional.
success function In this callback function, you can implement your vector feature drawing logic here. If the callback function returns false, the built-in vector feature drawing and zooming to features bounding box actions will be ignored. Optional.
failure function In this callback function, you can implement error handling logic. Optional.

Bounding Box API for Avoid/Favor Set Display

addAvoidFavorPolygon method allows you to get avoid/favor edits for a given set ID filtered by a bounding box.

Parameter Type/Values Description
afSetId number Avoid/Favor set ID. Required.
afType number 1 for displaying avoid features. 2 for displaying favor features. If it is not set, both avoid and favor will be displayed. Optional.
bbox array Bounding box in degrees, [min longitude, min latitude, max longitude, max latitude]. Optional.
frameAvoidFavor boolen Zoom to newly added features in a set if its value is true. If not specified, the class level setting would be applied. Optional.
success function In this callback function, you can implement your vector feature drawing logic here. If the callback function returns false, the built-in vector feature drawing and zooming to features bounding box actions will be ignored. Optional.
failure function In this callback function, you can implement error handling logic. Optional.