Map Data Disclaimer

The following terms apply to the location content specified below to the extent that such content is made accessible for use in the application, product and/or service which you are using.

For purposes of the following:
  • References to "you" shall mean the individual person or representative of an entity accessing the application, product and/or service in which location content is made accessible for use.
Map Data

The base map data that is made accessible for use in the application, product and/or service which you are using is subject to the following copyright notices:

Data for countries in South America, the Middle East, Europe, Russia, Africa and/or Asia Pacific: © 1987 - 2014 HERE
Data for Japan: © 1992 – 2017 TomTom
Europe Territory
Area   Additional Provisions
Third Party Notices. The data for the countries listed below may include or reflect data provided under license from third party licensors, including data which is subject to the following copyright notices:
Austria   © Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen
Contains content of Stadt Wien -, licensed in accordance with
Contains content of Statdt Linz -, licensed in accordance with /by/3.0/legalcode
Contains content of LINZ AG -, licensed in accordance with /by/3.0/legalcode
Includes content of, licensed in accordance with
Contains content of Land Vorarlberg -, licensed in accordance with
Belgium   Realized by means of Brussels UrbIS®© - Distribution & Copyright CIRB, available at
Includes content made available by AGIV.
Croatia   © EuroGeographics
Cyprus   © EuroGeographics
Denmark   "Contains data that is made available by the Danish Geodata Agency (FOT) Retrieved by HERE 01/2014."
Estonia   © EuroGeographics
Finland   Contains data from the National Land Survey of Finland Topographic Database 06/2012. (Terms of Use available at

Contains data that is made available by Itella in accordance with the terms available at: Retrieved by HERE 09/2013"
France   source: © IGN France 2009 - BD TOPO ®.
Germany   Die Grundlagendaten wurden mit Genehmigung der zuständigen Behörden entnommen.
Contains content of "Bayrische Vermessungsverwaltung –", licensed in accordance with

Contains content of "LGL,", licensed in accordance with

Contains Content of "Stadt Köln -", licensed in accordance with

Contains Content of "Geoportal Berlin / ATKIS® Basis-DLM", licensed in accordance with

Contains Content of "Geoportal Berlin / Karte von Berlin 1:5000 (K5-Farbausgabe)", licensed in accordance with
Great Britain   Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2010
Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2010
Greece   Copyright Geomatics Ltd.
Guernsey   ©The States of Guernsey
©The States of Alderney
©The Chief Pleas of Sark
©The Royal Court of Guernsey
Hungary   Copyright © 2003; Top-Map Ltd.
Ireland   Contains data made available by the Dublin City Council Multi Story Car Parking Space Availability as of 2013-11-02, licensed in accordance with
Italy   La Banca Dati Italiana è stata prodotta usando quale riferimento anche cartografia numerica ed al tratto prodotta e fornita dalla Regione Toscana.
Contains data from Trasporto Passeggeri Emilia-Romagna- S.p.A.

Includes content of Comune di Bologna licensed under and updated by licensee July 1, 2013.
Includes content of Comune di Cesena licensed under and updated by licensee July 1, 2013.
Includes contents of Ministero della Salute, and Regione Sicilia, licensed under and updated by licensee September 1, 2013.
Includes contents of Provincia di Enna, Comune di Torino, Comune di Pisa, Comune di Trapani, Comune di Vicenza, Regione Lombardia, Comune di Bergamo, Regione Umbria, licensed under and updated by licensee September 1, 2013.
Includes content of GeoforUs, licensed in accordance with
Includes content of Comune di Milano, licensed under and updated by licensee November 1, 2013.
Includes content of the "Comunità Montana della Carnia", licensed under and updated by licensee December 1, 2013
Includes content of the "Comunità Montana della Carnia", licensed under and updated by licensee December 1, 2013
Includes content of "Agenzia per la mobilità" licensed under and updated by licensee January 1, 2014.
Includes content of Regione Sardegna, licensed under and updated by licensee May 1, 2014
Includes content of CISIS, licensed under
Includes content of Agenzia Mobilità Ambiente e Territorio s.r.l. Milano, licensed under
Includes content of Roma Servizi per la Mobilità S.r.l., Comune di Matera, Comune di Venezia, licensed under and updated by licensee January 1, 2014.
Includes content of Comune di Firenze and Comune di Palermo, licensed under
Latvia   © EuroGeographics
Lithuania   © EuroGeographics
Moldova   © EuroGeographics
Norway   Copyright © 2000; Norwegian Mapping Authority
Includes data under the Norwegian license for Open Government data (NLOD), available at
Contains information copyrighted by © Kartverket, made available in accordance with
Contains data under the Norwegian licence for Open Government data (NLOD) distributed by Norwegian Public Roads Administration (NPRA)
Poland   © EuroGeographics
Portugal   Source: IgeoE - Portugal
Slovenia   © EuroGeographics
Spain   Información geográfica propiedad del CNIG
Contains data that is made available by the Generalitat de Catalunya Government in accordance with the terms available at Retrieved by HERE 05/2013.
Contains content of Centro Municipal de Informatica – Malaga, licensed in accordance with /3.0/legalcode.
Contains content of Administración General de la Comunidad Autónoma de Euskadi, licensed in accordance with
Contains data made available by the Ayuntamiento de Santander, licensed in accordance with
Contains content of Ajuntament de Sabadell, licensed per, updated 4/2013.
"Includes content of Dirección General de Tráfico, licensed in accordance with"
Sweden   Based upon electronic data National Land Survey Sweden.
Contains public data, licensed under Go Open v1.0, available at
Switzerland   Topografische Grundlage: Bundesamt für Landestopographie.
United Kingdom   Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government License v.1.0 (see the license Adapted from data from the Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.1.0.

Asia Pacific Territory
Area   Additional Provisions
  1. The End-User Terms for any Application containing Data for Australia shall contain the following notices:
    "Copyright. Based on data provided under license from PSMA Australia Limited ( Product incorporates data which is © 20XX Telstra Corporation Limited, GM Holden Limited, Intelematics Australia Pty Ltd, HERE International LLC, Sentinel Content Pty Limited and Continental Pty Ltd."
  2. In addition to the foregoing, the End-User Terms for any Application containing RDS-TMC Traffic Codes for Australia shall contain the following notice:
    "Product incorporates traffic location codes which is © 20XX Telstra Corporation Limited and its licensors."
  1. The data for mainland China may include or reflect data provided under license from third party licensors, including data which is subject to the following copyright notice:
    "© NavInfo Co. Ltd. GS(2012)6020"
  2. The End-User Terms for any Application accessing Data for mainland China shall contain the following notice:
    "© NavInfo Co. Ltd. GS(2012)6020"
  3. Applications accessing Data for mainland China shall include a state of the art copy protection solution for preventing copying of content of the copy, whether by end-users, distributors or otherwise, (i) onto other physical storage media or (ii) via transfer over the internet or other electronic communication means.
  4. Applications accessing Data for mainland China cannot be licensed to any third party that is a local Chinese map database provider.
  5. Due to China's national security policy, the coordinates of the Data for mainland China are shifted. Therefore, Applications accessing Data for mainland China are required to include a software security module that will enable use of Data for mainland China. Unless otherwise agreed to by the parties, Customer will need to obtain the security module and rights to use it from appropriate Chinese authority.
  6. The Data for mainland China shall not be exported or in any way transferred outside of mainland China without obtaining approval from the National Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation.
Japan   © Shobunsha Publications, Inc. © Shobunsha
Nepal   Any and all copies of the Data containing Data for Nepal and/or packaging relating thereto shall include the following notice:
"Copyright ©Survey Department, Government of Nepal."
South Korea   This data for the Republic of Korea (South Korea) may not be exported or in any way transferred outside of the Republic of Korea (South Korea).
Sri Lanka   Any and all copies of the Data containing Data for Sri Lanka and/or packaging relating thereto shall include the following notice:
"This product incorporates original source digital data obtained from the Survey Department of Sri Lanka.
© 2009 Survey Department of Sri Lanka
The data has been used with the permission of the Survey Department of Sri Lanka."

Middle East/Africa Territory
Area   Additional Provisions
Third Party Notices. The data for the countries listed below may include or reflect data provided under license from third party licensors, including data which is subject to the following copyright notices:
Israel   © Survey of Israel data source
Jordan   © Royal Jordanian Geographic Centre
Mozambique   Certain Data for Mozambique provided by Cenacarta ©20XX by Cenacarta
Réunion   source: © IGN 2009 - BD TOPO ®

Central & South America Territory
Area   Additional Provisions
Third Party Notices. The data for the countries listed below may include or reflect data provided under license from third party licensors, including data which is subject to the following copyright notices:
Guadeloupe   source: © IGN 2009 - BD TOPO ®
French Guiana   source: © IGN 2009 - BD TOPO ®
Guatemala   Aprobado por el INSTITUTO GEOGRAFICO NACIONAL - Resolución del IGN No 186-2011
Martinique   source: © IGN 2009 - BD TOPO ®
Mexico   Fuente: INEGI (Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía
Nicaragua   The Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea maritime borders have not been entirely defined.
Northern land border defined by the natural course of the Coco River (also known as Segovia River or Wangki River) corresponds to the source of information available at the moment of its representation.